CUNY College of Staten Island Please answer the following Nursing Assignment Help

Part 1: (T-F) Ch. 5 (ART©)…

Time: Pickert on being present: pp. 69-79

Time: Oaklander on mindfulness, pp. 86-87

Mindfulness – Apps

1. Discuss the parts of the ART model and how you might apply it to enhance your PQOL. Be sure to give examples for each component.

2. What are the take aways from Pickert’s and Oaklander’s articles?

DO: Lets be realistic; we are all attached at the hip to our electronic devices. Explore and download an app on mindfulness that you can use daily. I like 3 minute mindfulness. You do not need to buy a subscription; there are many apps for free.

3. Share your mindfulness choice (app) and how you plan to use it.

Part 2: Topics Compassion Fatigue and Moral Distress; Chaos Theory and Butterfly Effects

Readings (T-F) Ch. 6 (…, ), Ch. 7 ( )

View Vestiges:

View Chaos Theory & Butterfly Effects

1. Discuss the butterfly effect and how small changes contribute to the whole.

2.Share examples of the butterfly effect from your workplace (these can be positive and/or negative).

3). What is compassion fatigue and how does it differ from moral distress?

4). Do you have any sustaining memories related to experiences of compassion fatigue and/or moral distress (like mine of Joe in Vestiges)?

Part 3: Readings (T-F) Ch. 8…

1. What is burnout and how might it manifest? Give examples (yours or witnessed) (use this example: working in Step down ICU during covid we were understaffed and under paid.)

2. Are you burnt out?

3. Do you work with burnt out people? If so, how does it manifest at work?

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Introduction: In this assignment, we will discuss various topics related to medical care and well-being. The assignment is divided into three parts, each focusing on different aspects of medical practice. We will explore the ART model, mindfulness, compassion fatigue, moral distress, chaos theory, butterfly effects, and burnout. Each question will require thoughtful analysis and examples to demonstrate your understanding of the topic.

Part 1:

1. The ART model refers to the components of Attention, Resilience, and Transformation. Attention involves being fully present and aware of the current moment. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from challenges and adversities. Transformation refers to the process of personal growth and development. To enhance your PQOL (Personal Quality of Life), you can apply the ART model in the following ways:
– Attention: Practice mindfulness, engage in active listening, and be fully present in interactions with patients, colleagues, and activities.
– Resilience: Develop coping mechanisms, seek support from peers and mentors, practice self-care, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
– Transformation: Reflect on experiences, learn from mistakes, cultivate a growth mindset, and embrace opportunities for personal and professional development.

2. Pickert’s article emphasizes the importance of being present in patient care and the impact it can have on patient outcomes. Oaklander highlights the concept of mindfulness and its potential benefits in reducing stress and increasing well-being. The key takeaways from these articles include the significance of mindfulness in healthcare, the power of being fully present in patient interactions, and the potential for personal growth through mindfulness practices.

3. My mindfulness choice is the ‘3 Minute Mindfulness’ app. I plan to use it daily by incorporating three-minute mindfulness sessions into my routine. During these sessions, I will focus on my breath, engage in body scans, and practice grounding techniques to center myself and enhance my mindfulness.

Part 2:

1. The butterfly effect refers to the idea that small changes can have significant and far-reaching consequences. In the context of healthcare, small actions, decisions, or interventions can impact patient outcomes and the overall quality of care.

2. Examples of the butterfly effect in the workplace can include a nurse’s comforting words leading to a patient’s improved emotional well-being, a physician’s timely intervention preventing a medical error, or a pharmacist’s diligent medication review preventing potential adverse drug reactions. On the negative side, a missed medication dosage or a delayed response to a deteriorating patient’s condition can have severe consequences.

3. Compassion fatigue refers to the emotional and physical exhaustion experienced by healthcare providers due to prolonged exposure to the suffering and trauma of patients. It often results from an inability to adequately meet the emotional demands of patients, leading to a sense of helplessness and burnout. Moral distress, on the other hand, occurs when healthcare professionals are aware of the ethically right action but are unable to act due to organizational constraints or conflicts. It arises when healthcare providers feel their moral obligations are compromised.

4. Sustaining memories related to experiences of compassion fatigue and moral distress can have a significant impact on healthcare providers. These memories can serve as reminders of the challenges faced and reinforce the need for self-care, resilience, and support. Sharing such memories can also promote empathy and understanding among colleagues and improve the overall work environment.

Part 3:

1. Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by chronic work-related stress. It can manifest in various ways, such as feelings of cynicism, detachment from work, decreased productivity, emotional exhaustion, and physical symptoms like headaches and fatigue. An example of burnout could be working long hours, experiencing a high patient load, and constantly dealing with challenging cases, which can lead to feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion.

2. Answer based on personal experience: Yes, I am currently experiencing symptoms of burnout.

3. Answer based on personal experience: Yes, I work with burnt out people, and it manifests at work through decreased motivation, frequent complaints about work, increased absenteeism, and a negative attitude towards patients and colleagues.

In conclusion, this assignment explores various aspects of medical practice, including enhancing personal quality of life, mindfulness, compassion fatigue, moral distress, the butterfly effect, and burnout. It requires critical thinking and the use of examples to demonstrate understanding.

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