This paper has four parts: Please use headings for each part or section:
Part 1 – Personal Values, Attitudes, and Beliefs In the text, Qualitative research: Analyzing life, on pages 64-65, Saldaňa, J., & Omasta, M. (2018) define Value, Attitude, and Belief. Using their definitions as a guide, please describe your values, attitudes, and beliefs about nursing research. What kind of researcher do you want to become? What is your attitude toward different kinds of research (quantitative, qualitative, critical)? What has shaped your attitudes about research over your career?
Part 2 – Identify a human experience that you would like to explore as a researcher (e.g. grieving, feeling stigmatized, loneliness, experience of living in poverty, feeling hopeful, resilience, What are your values, attitudes, and beliefs about this phenomenon? How are your values, attitudes and beliefs about your chosen phenomenon reflected in a creative expression (e.g. in your own poem, painting, photograph(s), or video). Reflect on how you have come to feel and think this way about the phenomenon as you reflect on your creative expression.
Part 3 – Find two research papers on your phenomenon of interest. One paper should be aligned with your values/attitude/beliefs and the other should oppose or be different than your own values/attitudes /beliefs. Write about the difference in the papers, especially the theoretical framework guiding the analysis and findings. Describe your comfort and discomfort with these two papers regarding the representation of your phenomenon of interest. Part 4 – Glossary of terms – after the references and appendices provide a glossary of terms you have collected over the course to date – ensure you cite your sources for these definitions.
#Selfreflective #Short #Research #Paper