Professional Conference Abstract ( Health Service Administration)

Part I: Answer the following questions. 1. Which conference did you select and why? Is it regional or national? What emphasis does it best relate to? a. Be sure to clearly relate it to your chosen emphasis or career goals (TIP: Showcase, UCUR, and NCUR are great for student research in general, UPHA and APHA […]

Hospital Administration: Electronic health record

Create a workflow diagram of data within an electronic medical record system. Make sure to explain the role of all important data points. Your workflow diagram must be a visual or graphical representation of the interaction of processes and/or how information (data) flows through an electronic medical record system for the health care organization (military […]

Public Administration

 Description Provide a summary of the required module readings. Be sure to discuss and analyze key perspectives from Module 7 readings. Include in your discussion a clear linkage between key perspectives and at least the following learning objectives: An understanding of the role and responsibilities of government organizations in society; and an insight into the […]

Public Administration: From NPA to What?

Description Write a paper that fully explores, explains and expands on the discourse related to this topic. Expectation for the paper. The paper will have a cover sheet, which is not included in the 12 page minimum, and will not have a page number on it. Pages will be numbered starting at the page 2 […]

The Farm Security Administration

Rural Sociology Introduction: The Farm Security Administration The Farm Security Administration (now the Farm Service Agency) was started in 1933. Between 1935-1944, photographers and writers were hired to create documents illustrating the poverty of farmers. Many Depression-era photographers who are well-known today got their start with the FSA, including Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, Arthur Rothstein, […]

CCJ302 Introduction to Criminal Justice Administration Article Review

Purpose: The assignment is designed to equip you with the skills needed to read and comprehend scholarly research articles, an important source of information on criminal justice organization and management. You will review an article related to either police, correctional officer, or public defender stress. Preparation: In the Article Review folder on D2L (see the […]


PUBLIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION: — How might political influence benefit or hinder the conduct of public safety administration? (Requires 1 reference) — FINANCE: — How to value bonds. If all investors are using this method, why does the same bond buy or sell at different prices? In other words, why is there a market for bonds? […]

Theories of race and racism in an Administration of Justice,

This paper concerns readings of theories of race and racism in an Administration of Justice, Criminal Justice race, gender, and Class course. This paper should be a critical review of each submitted articles. The paper must not contain plagiarism. It must be on point. Read the introduction for Part Two “Sociology, Race and Social Theory” […]