Hinduism and Buddhism in India

Description Essay topic: Comparing Origins and History of Hinduism and Buddhism in India. A major theme in India’s ancient and early medieval periods is the early origins and historical development of Hinduism and Buddhism. Chapter 3 of World History repeatedly returns to this theme, covering religious ideas as well as social and political dimensions to […]


Minimum of 2 scholarly sources (1 for the etic view, and 1 for the emic view. Your source for the emic view should come from someone who writes with authority in the religion you chose. For example, if you chose Buddhism, you could use a quotation from His Holiness, Dalai Lama XIV). Instructions Make sure […]

Buddhism Paper

HUM 2410 -Asian Humanities–BuddhismPaper Instructions-Read at least a few pages a dayof the book Buddhism: Plain and Simple. Take notes (on a tablet or computer) as you are reading. Notemain points, passages that stand out to you, and your thoughts on the material (be sure to keep them organized and note page numbers).Contemplatethe material as […]