During this unit you have had the opportunity to explore historical, ongoing, and contemporary issues of ethical and professional consequence. For the discussion this week, you may select either one o Nursing Assignment Help

During this unit you have had the opportunity to explore historical, ongoing, and contemporary issues of ethical and professional consequence. For the discussion this week, you may select either one of the issues presented in the course or a different issue which is nationally or globally relevant, and which in your opinion has become divisive […]

How does the exhibit reflect/engage/respond to contemporary discourse

The first assignment will involve visiting Anthropocene, an ongoing exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada.The assignment requires you to describe the exhibit generally and then select one image (or other work) todiscuss in more detail. Specifically, you should describe the image/work and its context, the nature and scope ofthe human activity being portrayed and […]

Contemporary Gallery Research Project

Description 1. Read the interviews in Field Guide (a publication put out by a gallery formerly located in Lincoln, Drift Station). Found here: http://www.driftstation.org/ Read pages 48 – 57. 2. Read the history of the artist-run gallery, The Suburban, based in Chicago: http://www.thesuburban.org/history.html 3. Find a contemporary gallery of interest to you. It can be […]

The contemporary relevance of the US Constitution.

The US Constitution was written in 1787, well over 200 years ago. Despite its age, it is clear that the Constitution has a profound impact on all of our lives today. For this assignment,  reflect carefully on the contemporary relevance of the US Constitution, both at a general and personal level. Here are the specific […]

Examine the impact of contemporary challenges in care delivery facing

Explain the issue(s) you have selected. Why is it a problem? What fuels the issue? Who does it impact and what specific impact does it have on patient care? Describe an option for addressing the issue from a systems perspective. What entities/interests (stakeholders, organizations, operational systems, political, economic, public, private, patient) must be taken into […]

HRTM12-204 Contemporary Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Management

Discuss the mix of skills that a member of the executive management team in an international hotel, or other leisure service provider, needs to be effective in the role. Describe a 10-year development program for a young aspiring manager that would help them to develop the essential skills.     Learning objectives: In this exercise […]

Contemporary artistic practices

Your short essay is an opportunity to perform additional research on any of the artists we have looked at in the course content, Ares readings and media reserves. This 750-1000 word text will afford the chance to share your perspective concerning the contemporary artistic practices you find most compelling while also performing independent research to […]

Critically examine how the chosen contemporary issues affects

You will produce an individual essay in the format of an article for a business publication. You may choose The Economist or Harvard Business Review (print edition). Using primary and secondary research, you will create your own views on a contemporary issue relevant to one of the following macro themes:  ·            Theme 1 – Political […]

contemporary issues in modern mindfulness and its application in

Description Essay structure Introduction: Definitions of mindfulness The varieties/spectrum of mindfulness History and context of mindfulness (only a short summary) List of issues and debates in mindfulness List of application of mindfulness Main: Approx. 1500 words on the issues and debates – critical discussion Approx. 800-1000 words on applications of mindfulness – critical discussion Conclusion: […]

World affairs: Contemporary Europe

Students need to write a min. 3 page/800-1000 word book review, on a book related to the topics of the course, or on a book related to the topic of their paper. You will need to get the approval of the instructor for the book you are proposing to review at least 1 week in […]