Aesthetic analysis of a self-chosen digital work

The entire course is about the relationship between aesthetics and digital media. It introduces critical, aesthetic analysis and reception of digital art and culture. The focal point is the challenges that digital media provide aesthetics, art and culture in a current and historical perspective – mostly current perspective. The historical is fundamental in order to […]

Digital Nation

Requirements: watch the Digital Nation video: (cut & paste link) Then, write a 1 page paper that includes answers to the following two questions (remember to cite sources): 1) In today’s technological immersion environment, do you think the good side of it outweighs the bad? Use examples from the program. 2) As shown in […]

Digital tools( NodeXL,SemRush, Voyant)

The purpose of this portfolio is to help students to understand the opportunities and shortcomings of using digital tools in digital research. Instructions -NodeXL -SemRush -Voyant,  Write 3 pieces (of 700 words each) to demonstrate your understanding of the tools including the shortcomings of your findings. Focus on your findings and explain them , […]

The impact of digital media on businesses in developing countries

Topic: The impact of digital media on businesses in developing countries Description A clear statement of the proposed research topic and the research question(s) that are guiding your investigation (explain the importance and originality of the proposed topic). A literature review and bibliography, using the Harvard style of referencing, of relevant academic publications relating to […]

Digital transformation literacy blog. about the Ecomarce and energy in

A blog project consists of a digital transformation literacy blog. Finally, you have to discuss how the industry (A)( E comerace) is been enabled by the government and the private sector by using B (Energy) and how it is impacting C (Individuals or society). The title Write down your selected keywords for your selected topic. […]