10 United Nations Plaza San Francisco, CA 94102

10 United Nations Plaza San Francisco, CA 94102 Research the demographics of this neighborhood and its population. Consider factors including (but not limited to): Type of usage (commercial/residential) Socioeconomic identity and education levels Age demographics Cultural and racial diversity Any other distinguishing characteristics of the neighborhood. (Note: This research should be neighborhood specific.) Identify site […]

Impact of the Airbnb Law on housing rental in San Francisco, and how

Paper details Develop a formal, written paper analyzing one law, regulation, regulatory agency or legal issue that affects operations of an HRT agency or organization. You are writing the paper to inform new management trainees in one HRT industry/setting about actions that can be taken by managers and staff to comply with legal requirements and […]

Compare the pros and cons of consolidating data on a SAN central data

Assess how the Carlson SAN approach would be implemented in today’s environment. Compare the pros and cons of consolidating data on a SAN central data facility versus the dispersed arrangement it replaces. Evaluate the issues raised from the Carlson SAN mixing equipment from a number of vendors and determine the management options for dealing with […]

Movie review: San Andreas

 Minimum 5 pages of text (double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt font). Adding a few figures is fine, but they don’t count toward 5 page text requirement. Due dates will be firm! Late penalty: 2.5 points per day Papers should briefly summarize the plot of the film, and focus on elements that were presented correctly or […]