Community Project: Modules 7 & 8 First: Defining your community.

Community Project: Modules 7 & 8

First: Defining your community.

For this section your will be telling me about the community in which you live. What is the: Median age, race(s), education level, location, etc. I tell students when completing this section, think about what information you would want to know about a community if you were looking at moving to a new city and did not have knowledge of the location. This section of the paper should be supported with references and citation. Make sure references are scholarly sources (.org, .gov, or .edu websites). Avoid narrowing down the community to a select group. Look for data for your whole county.

The following questions should be addressed:

  • Describe the population that is being assessed?
  • What is/are the race(s) of this population within the community?
  • Are there boundaries of this group? If so, what are they?
  • Does this community exist within a certain city or county?
  • Are there general characteristics that separate this group from others?
  • Education levels, birth/death rates, age of deaths, insured/uninsured?
  • Where is this group located geographically…? Urban/rural?
  • Why is a community assessment being performed? What purpose will it serve?
  • How will information for the community assessment be collected?

i live in maryland, 

Expert Solution Preview

As a medical professor, it is important for students to understand the unique characteristics and health needs of the communities they will serve. In this assignment, students will research and analyze the community in which they live to gain a deeper understanding of the population, demographics, and health disparities that exist within it. By completing this exercise, students will become more aware of the diverse needs of their future patients and better equipped to provide culturally competent medical care.

1. Describe the population that is being assessed?
The population being assessed is the community in which the student lives. This includes individuals of all ages, races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds who reside in the surrounding area. The goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the health needs and disparities that exist among this population.

2. What is/are the race(s) of this population within the community?
The race(s) of the population within the community will vary depending on the location. In Maryland, the population is predominantly white (58.7%), followed by African American (30.2%), Asian (6.8%), and Hispanic/Latino (10.1%).

3. Are there boundaries of this group? If so, what are they?
There may be boundaries within the community, such as geographic boundaries or socioeconomic boundaries. For example, certain neighborhoods may have higher poverty rates or lower education levels than others, which can impact health outcomes.

4. Does this community exist within a certain city or county?
The community being assessed is located in Maryland. It is important to gather data for the entire county to gain a comprehensive understanding of the population and its health needs.

5. Are there general characteristics that separate this group from others?
Some general characteristics that may separate this group from others include age, race/ethnicity, income, education level, and access to healthcare.

6. Education levels, birth/death rates, age of deaths, insured/uninsured?
These factors are important to consider when assessing the health needs of a community. In Maryland, the median age is 39.5 years, and the median household income is $86,223. The birth rate is 11.2 per 1000 population, and the death rate is 7.5 per 1000 population. The percentage of uninsured individuals is 6.5%.

7. Where is this group located geographically…? Urban/rural?
The location of the community may impact access to healthcare or exposure to environmental factors that can impact health outcomes. In Maryland, there are both urban and rural areas, which can have varying levels of access to healthcare, education, and resources.

8. Why is a community assessment being performed? What purpose will it serve?
A community assessment is being performed to gain a deeper understanding of the health needs and disparities that exist within the population. This information can be used to develop targeted interventions and programs to improve health outcomes and reduce health disparities.

9. How will information for the community assessment be collected?
Information for the community assessment will be collected through a variety of sources, including census data, healthcare utilization data, and community surveys. It is important to gather data from multiple sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the population and its health needs.

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